Thursday, 11 February 2016

Studio practice - GOBO and other types of lighting

Today we have learnt another types of lighting: using GOBOs, a big softbox above the model and shooting using coloured gels.. These lighting setups are best for creating dramatic lighting effect, useful, for example, at out gothic horror unit.

"A gobo (or GOBO) is a physical stencil or template slotted inside, or placed in front of, a lighting source, used to control the shape of emitted light.
In the design of an artificial environment in which lighting instruments are used, it is sometimes desirable to manipulate the shape of the light which is cast over a space or object. To do so, a piece of metal with patterned holes through which light passes is placed in the beam of light to allow only the desired "shape" or pattern through, while blocking the rest of the light, casting a specific shadow/light into the space." (Wikipedia 2016)

These little things can be borrowed from the hatch.




Softbox from above the model:

  • Gobo (lighting) (2016) in Wikipedia. Available at: (Accessed: 11 February 2016).

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